Friday, July 1, 2016

Creating Topography from Excel Data Point in Revit 2017 using Dynamo

Dynamo is a Visual Programming Environment and also it is an open source tool.
                       Here is an example of  creating a topography using dynamo with Revit.

                      Final goal is here read data from excel file and creating point and topography.

Topo Surface in Revit

Create Topography from Excel Data Point in Revit 2017 using Dynamo
Dynamo Workspace
Topo Surface.dyn
Topography Data.xlsx


  1. it's working in fake coordinates like you did. but when i did it with real coordinates, i couldn't make it work! for example when i input the coordinates; 4544051.144,400460.964,0.552 in my excel file, points don't show up in revit. also surface can't seen too.

  2. Thanks a lot for your very helpfull tuto, itis very clear and good explanation
    Thank you very much and i wish you a nice and BIM New Year!
    Best regards
